by Claire Diamant
Originally conceived as a series of loosely connected short stories, terminus is a novella centred around a group of people who get stuck in a subway train that keeps moving—speeding past each designated stop. The bulk of terminus’s subject matter was inspired by the myriad of emotions the subway elicits—how it has the frightening ability to remind us of our aloneness even in an experience that is so often shared. In many ways, the subway is less of a vehicle than it is a waiting room. terminus is an examination of that idea.
Claire Diamant
Claire Diamant is a twenty-one-year-old writer, designer and actress from Victoria, British Columbia. Despite having written obsessively for as long as she can remember, she still can’t spell simultaneously without voice-to-text. She is currently attending OCADU for Creative Writing, where she worked as the Managing Editor for its second annual Pulse Journal.